What is the syntax to load multiple images at once?

Dim cntrl as Control
For Each cntrl In <userformname>.Controls 'goes through all controls in form
   If TypeOf cntrl Is Image Then 'if control is image
      cntrl.Picture = LoadPicture(<picture's filepath here>)
   End If
Next 'moves onto next control
'example - updates the tiles (which are images) in a connect-3 game
'there are 90 image controls, all with naming convention: r<row>c<column>
'(ex) r01c01, r01c02, r01c03...r09c10
'there are 7 random colours a tile can be, the random number is stored in a sheet

Private Sub updateDisplay() 'call this procedure whenver display wanted to update
Dim cntrl As Control
Dim rr, cc As Integer 'for rows and columns
Dim strPath(7) As String

strPath(0) = "C:\Users\Documents\connect3\images\Yellow.jpg"
strPath(1) = "C:\Users\Documents\connect3\images\Green.jpg"
strPath(2) = "C:\Users\Documents\connect3\images\Pink.jpg"
strPath(3) = "C:\Users\Documents\connect3\images\White.jpg"
strPath(4) = "C:\Users\Documents\connect3\images\Red.jpg"
strPath(5) = "C:\Users\Documents\connect3\images\Cyan.jpg"
strPath(6) = "C:\Users\Documents\connect3\images\Orange.jpg"

For Each cntrl In frmConnect.Controls
   If TypeOf cntrl Is Image Then
      'cntrl.Name is in form r01c01, r01c02...r09c10
      rr = Int(Mid(cntrl.Name, 2, 2)) 'returns 3 if r03c04
      cc = Int(Mid(cntrl.Name, 5, 2)) 'returns 4 if r03c04
      cntrl.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath(Cells(rr, cc).Value))
      rr = rr + 1
      cc = cc + 1
   End If
End Sub



What is the syntax to load an image?

<image control name>.Picture = LoadPicture(<file path in string form>)
profileImg.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\Users\john\Documents\johnsface.jpg")

strPath = "C:\Users\bob\Pictures\Landscapes\picoftrees.jpg"
image1.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath)


Helpful Tips

  • To add an Image Control, directly drag an Image from the Toolbox menu onto your UserForm.
  • To change the name of an Image Control, go to the Properties window in the UserForm Editor and change the name under field “(Name)”.
  • If you do not see your Toolbox or Properties window, go to the top under View and toggle your visibility settings
  • To find the string filepath for your image, you may find this article helpful: How do I find the filepath for a folder?

What is the syntax to declare an array?

Dim <array name>() ‘array without size
Dim <array name>(<integer>) ‘array with size
Dim <array name>(<integer>) As <data type> ‘declares array with size and data type
Dim myArray(3,4) As Integer ‘a 2D array

Dim myArrayTwo()


What is the syntax to open a userform?

Put the code below in a separate module from that of the userform. A common choice for users is the proceduce of Workbook_Open() under module ThisWorkbook.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    <user form name>.Show
End Sub


Do not use the load method, as this just loads the form but does not make it visible. Besides, Show option automatically loads it anyway.

Load <user form name>